Hi there, my name is Zhao Loong and I am a fledgling developer looking to break into the web development scene. I am particularly interested in exploring the frontiers of what a full-stack javascript application can achieve.
This project titled :
poc (pipe-organising-concert). It is a game
inspired largely from bioshock's hacking mini-game.
Most people really hated that game because you were forced to
context switch between action twitch versus slow methodical
thinking. A perfect case study for thinking fast and thinking
link to the GitHub repo
This project is titled:
mmb (meow-meow-beenz) and it is an idea
inspired by the NBC tv series Community.
In one of the episodes, the characters are introduced to a
social networking application called
MeowMeowBeenz (yes, with the
The application is basically a glorified rating system, in which people upload their images of themselves in order
to be rated from 1 - 5. Chaos ensues (as expected).
link to the GitHub repo
This project is titled: handy and it is a
technological platform to connect many pairs of hands to many
The main problem that this application is trying to solve is
the inter-connection between two distinct groups:
Handy People and Consumers.
This was a group collaboration project done by:
@sharona1610 and
link to the GitHub repo
link to the medium article retrospective
This project is titled:
spa (sexy-personal-algorithm)
and it is a single-page application.
It is an application that queries the GitHub api to display each
individual's information from my WDI's class.
It was one of our class exercises exploring
front-end-frameworks of our choice; I chose to use vue.js.
Besides, using the framework of our choice, another objective
was to teach the second half of the class the bare essentials
of what vue.js can achieve
link to the GitHub repo
This project is titled: ttt (tap-tap-tap) and
it is a tapping application!
This was a mini-side project initiated by myself during the
course of my web-development immersive.
The application is an exploration into a new technology that I
was interested in: sockets.io.
It is also complemented with vue.js.
link to the GitHub repo
This project is titled:
fin (la fin) and it is the final
project of my WDI 7 immerisive course.
This project is an exploration into various technologies that
I wanted to learn during the course of a week.
This application has a SPA(single-page-application)-like
architecture, totally seperating the front end portion from the
backend RESTful Api.
This application was built on sequelize.js,
vue.js and utilises
JWT(JSON web) tokens
link to the GitHub backend API repo
link to the GitHub frontend API repo